Al-Fahmu: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Apri Wardana Ritonga, M.Pd Open Journal Systems Al-Fahmu: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Penafsiran Ayat-Ayat Toleransi Dalam Tafsir Al-Azhar dan Al-Misbah Serta Implementasinya Terhadap Masyarakat Indonesia 2024-03-11T03:51:20+00:00 Faliech Saiful Khawash Muslihudin Abid Nurhuda Anas Assajad Dewi Sinta <p>There must be no spelling, grammatical or expression errors in the language used. Indonesia is a plural country, but most people still do not realize and understand the concept of tolerance which results in harmony. The proof is that there are still conflicts between religions such as in East Java in December 2021, in Brikang Village, Menganti sub-district, Gersik, Central Java on April 10, 2022, even 50% of utterances on social media contain intolerant values. This arises because of the lack of understanding of the Muslim community, especially of the content of the Qur'an about the importance of tolerance. The purpose of this research is to examine how the content of tolerance verses in Al-Azhar and Al-Misbah commentaries, is then contextualized in the life of Indonesian society. This research method uses a qualitative method of thematic literature study. The results of this study indicate that Hamka and Quraisy Shihab in Qs. Al-An'am verse 108, QS. Al-Mumtahanah verse 8-9, QS. Saba's verse 25 states that insulting, reviling, and discriminating against non-Muslims is despicable behavior. Both of them allow associating with non-Muslims with the rules: not to criticize their beliefs, not to discuss the shortcomings of beliefs in front of them directly, associate with polite language, questions that are not offensive, associate if it provides inter-religious benefits, and does not bring <em>madharat</em>. However, it is still with the limitations that can be associated as long as they are not hostile and do not expel from the homeland.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Faliech Saiful Khawash, Muslihudin, Abid Nurhuda, Anas Assajad, Dewi Sinta Decoding Islamic Marriage Terms Through Quranic Text by Nvivo 12 Pro 2024-03-07T05:45:14+00:00 Muhammad Yahya Abdullah Insan Kamil <p>This research is motivated by the recognition of two word roots that can refer to the concept of marriage in fiqh literature, namely the roots of the words <em>“zawaja”</em> and <em>“nakaha”</em>. The aim of this research is to examine and map every term and meaning contained in every verse of the Koran which contains these two word roots to find the meaning of the term marriage in an Islamic perspective through the text of the Koran. The research method used is qualitative design with the aid of Nvivo 12 Pro as a supporting application for analyzing and categorizing these verses. The results of this research reveal that there are eight terms found through tracing all the verses containing these two word roots in the Koran, four terms constructed to the concept of marriage, namely the term prohibition in marriage, the term ethics in divorce, the term marriage regulations and the term of marriage’s lessons. Apart from that, there are also four other terms which are not correlate to the concept of marriage, namely the term signs of God's power, the term stories of wisdom, the term various rewards and other laws.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Yahya Abdullah, Insan Kamil Konsep Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Perspektif Q.S Luqman Ayat 13-19 2024-03-15T22:23:49+00:00 Ibnu Imam Al Ayyubi Ai Sri Masfuroh Firda Noerzanah Abdul Muhaemin Niken Siti Nur Apriyanti <p>This research aims for parents in particular to learn lessons from Luqman's story, namely regarding the concept of early childhood education in Q.S Luqman verses 13-19. The method used in this research is qualitative. Data collection techniques carried out by researchers used observation and interviews. Based on qualitative research methods, all facts, both written and verbal, from primary and secondary data sources are described as they are and then studied to be reduced as concisely as possible to answer the problem. In this research, it was found that Q.S Luqman verse 13 explains about aqidah education for young children which includes teachings about monotheism, namely the belief in the oneness of Allah and the prohibition on associating partners with Him, whereas in QS. Luqman in verses 14-15 explains to young children the morals of being filial to parents. Then Q.S Luqman verse 16 is about matters of education that saves with worship and pious deeds and is emphasized in Q.S Luqman verse 17 that seeking knowledge is something that must be prioritized in carrying out worship, so that you can have akhlahkul Karima and not have akhlah mazuma as explained in Q.S Luqman verses 18-19.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ibnu Imam Al Ayyubi, Ai Sri Masfuroh, Firda Noerzanah, Abdul Muhaemin, Niken Siti Nur Apriyanti Basic Human Duties from a Qur’anic Perspective 2024-03-15T22:35:27+00:00 Deden Hilmansah Komarudin <p>Human perfection is a depiction of God's greatness that humans are not only equipped with physical perfection but also psychic which makes them different from other creatures. Humans are endowed with reason in order to be able to distinguish between good and bad and to be able to analyse everything related to the universe which at its peak becomes a complete person so that humans carry out the tasks and responsibilities imposed by God on them to be fulfilled, guarded and maintained as well as possible. But in reality, many humans have forgotten this mandate, this can be seen from the development of humans who are increasingly far from their nature as perfect beings and deviate from their duties as humans. This paper aims to explain the nature of man and the main duties of man from the perspective of the Qur'an. Through descriptive method by utilising literature study, it can be concluded that the nature of man in the perspective of the Qur'an is the most perfect creature because it consists of body and soul, which has reason and lust and humans are Biological, Psychological and Sociological creatures. Then the main task of humans in the perspective of the Qur'an is as servants of Allah and as caliphs on earth, humans are given this task because humans are the most perfect creatures and have advantages over other creatures.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Deden Hilmansah, Komarudin Analisis Terjemahan Q.S An-Naba’: 1-7 dalam Tafsir Bacaan Mulia Karya H.B. Jassin 2024-03-11T03:44:59+00:00 Muhammad Akhyar Rifa'i Muhammad Fathur Rahman Ardhi Ilhamul Birry Hasani Ahmad Said <p>Literature is believed to have a special appeal for the majority of people from all nations, including Arabs and Indonesians. The Al-Qur'an, which uses noble literature, was translated using literary language by H.B Jassin. His thoughts attract the attention of writers because they transmit literature to literature. This study aims to describe the verses of An-Naba from 1-7 in the perspective of the translation of the Noble Readings by H.B. Jassin. This study uses a descriptive analysis method without using statistical figures, the source of the research data is from Tafsir Noble Readings and Surah An-Naba. The results of this study are as follows: 1) Personality of H.B. Jassin who became his motivation to write the translation; 2) Ijmali and Tahlili methods are used to analyze and collect data; and 3) The language style of this Noble Reading translation is in the form of poetry, different from the translation of the Ministry of Religion. This translation of the Noble Readings does not change the meaning, meaning and content of the Qur'an at all, it's just that the difference is in the language style and sentence structure used by H.B. Jassin. H.B.'s goal Jassin wrote his translation solely to make the verses of the Qur'an very beautiful.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Akhyar Rifa'i, Muhammad Fathur Rahman, Ardhi Ilhamul Birry, Hasani Ahmad Said Teknik Identifikasi Cepat Qira’at ‘Asyr (Analisis Infiradat al-Qurra’ atau Keunikan Bacaan Imam dan Rawi) 2024-03-18T22:22:33+00:00 Khoirul Muhtadin Mohammad Iqbal Muadzin Suhairi <p>Qira'at or accepted readings of the Qur'an come from ten imams, of these ten there are twenty riwayat. The seven qira'ats were based on initiation from Ibn Mujahid, while the three following qira'ats were based on Ibn Jazari's research and decisions. Studying these twenty riwayat sequentially or all at once is considered difficult or will take a long time and is inefficient with the learning system in Indonesia, so it is not uncommon for qira'at students to choose to withdraw from studying this knowledge. Not to mention, there is a doctrine that requires you to memorize the Quran with <em>mutqin</em> or strength first before getting to know the science of qira'at. The author feels that fast techniques are needed to identify the readings of imams and rawi’s. With this technique, it can be seen which riwayat readings were seen and heard by the learner. This qualitative article collects unique readings or <em>infiradat</em> from qira'at rawi’s based on the works of Sheikh Ibrahim Dhamrah. It is hoped that this article will be easy for readers to understand because it uses the theory and approach of <em>musykilat</em> and <em>gharib</em> in reading the Quran which is already popularly known by the muslim community in Indonesia.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Khoirul Muhtadin, Mohammad Iqbal Muadzin, Suhairi Sejarah Kodifikasi Ilmu Qira’at dan Urgensinya Sebagai Warisan Bacaan Al-Qur’an Yang Mutawatir 2024-03-07T05:56:25+00:00 Ikma Pradesta Putra Prayitna Annisa Berliana Yuli Yanti Romlah Widayati <p>The Qur’an was revealed in the midst of an Arab society with its own culture and language. The heterogeneous conditions of the society cause linguistic differences and dialectics. The problem that arises is the differentiation of abilities between individuals and groups related to language, especially Fusha Arabic. For this reason, the Prophet said, “Verily, the Qur’an was revealed with seven letters, so read the easiest”. One view of the meaning of the Hadith is that the Qur’an was revealed with seven languages and dialectical varieties. This research uses a qualitative method with the type of revelation text study included in the literature study. The result of the research is that qira’at began to be organized into a discipline by Abu Ubaid al-Qasim by compiling the work of the book of qira’at, which collected twenty-five qira’at. The differences in qira'at are divided into two, namely uhsuliyah rules; standardized rules in the reading of each Imam and farsy al-huruf; differences in typical readings that exist in each Imam and narrator. The difference in qira’at in farsy al-huruf mostly gives implications in interpretation. Suggestions for future research can examine aspects of qira’at in more depth through historical aspects and implications of interpretation.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ikma Pradesta Putra Prayitna, Annisa Berliana, Yuli Yanti, Romlah Widayati Behaviorism Psychology Approach in Quranic Studies 2024-03-16T21:59:02+00:00 Khusnul Khotim Qorin Karim Maharani Wulandari <p>The main purpose of the Qur'an is to improve human morals. The appropriate scientific discipline to study human behavior in psychology. Unfortunately, the psychological approach in Qur'anic studies is still rarely used. This paper aims to provide a building method of researching the Qur'an with a psychological approach, especially behaviorism which is the earliest approach of psychology. This research method uses a qualitative method with the type of library research. In the process of collecting data, researchers use the documentation method, which is the search for data related to variables or things in the form of books, journals, etc. The result of this study shows that In the behaviorist psychological approach, it is necessary to determine the dependent variable (which is affected) and the independent variable (which affects). In the context of Qur'anic studies, human interaction with the Qur'an can be the independent variable, while certain behaviors can be the dependent variable. Vice versa, human behavior can be an independent variable that affects human interaction with the Qur'an as the dependent variable. Research can also be conducted by observing objects as they are (natural) or observing objects in an artificial environment (experimental). The recommendation for further research is to promote Quranic research with a behaviorist approach. Other research models that try to make the Qur'an practical need to be encouraged, so that the ideals of the Qur'an to be able to influence human ethics can be achieved.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Khusnul Khotim, Qorin Karim, Maharani Wulandari Ghirah dalam Tafsir fi Zilal Al-Qur’an (Analisis Semangat Bela Agama pada QS Al-An’am Ayat 68-70) 2024-03-23T08:24:23+00:00 Zuhriyandi Mumtaz Ibnu Yasa <p><em>This article addresses what should be done when one’s religion is insulted or harassed. Namely the spirit of passion or jealousy when one’s religion is insulted. This problem is caused by the large number of cases of insults against the Islamic religion. Sayyid Qutb’s thoughts were used as the basis, because he was an Islamic reformer and active against tyranny. For this reason, this article contains several problems: a.) what is meant by ghirah?; b.) how is the interpretation of QS. al-An’am verses 68-70 in the interpretation of Fi Zilal Al-Qur’an?; and c.) how is the relationship between ghirah and the spirit of defending religion in QS. al-An’am verses 68-70? The research uses a literature-based qualitative approach. As for the results of this research: first, Sayyid Qutb interpreted this verse as a command to Muslims to let people who make fun of religion, cut ties with them and avoid them. Apart from just reminding, correcting deviant opinions within the boundaries of muamalah. Second, defending religion cannot be separated from the obligations of every Muslim. Religious followers certainly will not accept it if their religion is insulted. The order to distance oneself and not associate with religious mockers is a response based on feelings of enthusiasm for the spirit of defending one’s religion. The implications of the research can provide direction for Muslims in navigating these challenges in a way that is in accordance with Islamic teachings and inspires a strong attitude in defending the truth of their religion.</em></p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Zuhriyandi, Mumtaz Ibnu Yasa Israf’s Prohibition in QS. al-A’raf : 31 (Abdullah Saeed’s Contextual Approach) 2024-03-18T23:22:19+00:00 M. Syarif Adi Pramana Muhammad Saiful Khair <p>This article discusses <em>Israf</em>’s behavior that occurs today. One form of <em>Israf</em> is a hedonistic lifestyle that aims at personal satisfaction to enjoy worldly life excessively. To satisfy their desires, they always keep up with the times, spending money and time on fun, which can lead to debt and even depression. Allah reminds humans that the primary purpose of life is to prepare for the future by serving and believing in Him, doing good deeds, and living an ethical and moral life. If not responded to wisely, the developments that occur in this modern era will only plunge people into negative things that can endanger themselves and others. This article uses a qualitative method in the form of library research, which took data from several book sources, tafsir books, and Arabic dictionaries to analyze the meaning of <em>Israf</em> in QS. al-A’raf verse 31 using Abdullah Saeed’s contextual interpretation approach. The result is that <em>Israf</em> behavior can be seen based on context. It is not only limited to lifestyle activities that use excessive wealth but also religious fanaticism, high ambition to achieve power, and wasting time on unproductive things, so it is insensitive to conditions in the surrounding community environment.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 M. Syarif Adi Pramana, Muhammad Saiful Khair