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This research aims to analyze the concept of career women in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 from the perspective of the Koran. This research uses library research with a normative qualitative approach that focuses on analyzing available library data and articles. The results of the research show that the concept of career women from the Al-Qur’an perspective is that there is no prohibition for women from having a career in their lives, women have the right to work and have a career just like men, especially in the 4.0 era which is very sophisticated with today’s rapid technological advances. . In accordance with Q.S. An-Nisa’ verse 32 explains that men get a share of what they work for, as well as women get a share of what they work for, this is in accordance with how much effort and ability they have. So a career woman must comply with the requirements as a career woman in the world of work, including maintaining a balance between family and career and being able to maintain her honor as a Muslim woman. So they avoid slander and other negative impacts that will bring harm to themselves, their families and society.

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How to Cite
Rahma Yanti, S., & Nasrulloh. (2024). Konsep Wanita Karier Era 4.0 Persepktif Al-Qur’an. Al-Fahmu: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur’an Dan Tafsir, 3(2), 175–187.


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