Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir2025-02-19T14:28:07+00:00Apri Wardana Journal SystemsAl-Fahmu: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Qur’ani: Kajian Tafsir QS. Al-Qashash Ayat 77 terhadap Nilai dan Prinsip2025-01-09T05:13:36+00:00Muhammad Hulaimi<p>Education in Islam holds a central role in shaping the lives of individuals and society. However, challenges in Indonesia's education system, such as violations of ethical codes, school violence, and insufficient support for students with disabilities, highlight the need for a more holistic approach grounded in Qur’anic values. This study aims to examine the educational values and principles in Q.S. Al-Qashash: 77 and develop practical applications for contemporary education. Utilizing library research and a descriptive-analytical approach, the study identifies four key principles: Prioritization, which emphasizes the hereafter as the ultimate goal while utilizing the world as a means; Balance, maintaining harmony between worldly and spiritual matters; Excellence (Ihsan), encouraging goodness in all aspects of life; and Anti-Injustice, avoiding harm to the environment and society. These principles provide a foundation for integrating academic achievement with noble character development. The study recommends a Qur’anic-based educational approach that harmonizes spiritual and academic values to nurture a generation that excels intellectually, embodies virtuous character, and aims for both worldly success and eternal happiness.</p>2025-02-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Muhammad Hulaimi Hatami dalam Ilmu-Ilmu Humaniora dan Agama: Model, Pengembangan dan Metode Penelitian2024-12-16T08:14:58+00:00Ali Anhar Syi'bul Hudaalianhar99@upi.eduAbid Nurhudaabidnurhuda123@gmail.comNur Aini Setyaningtyasnurainityas97@gmail.comMuhammad Imam Syafi'iimamsyafei2201@gmail.comFarhan Akmala Putra<p>This study aims to describe the description of hermeneutics as a model of scientific research, the development of humanities sciences and as a research method in religious sciences The method used is a literature study with a qualitative approach. Then analyzed descriptively. The results showed that hermeneutics emerged a long time ago during the ancient Greek civilization and was more dominant in activities in understanding the scriptures but in its development it could reach the humanities and religious sciences. In addition, it also acts as a bridge to bring together hermeneutical theory with qualitative empirical research and symbols that are difficult for humans to understand in the symptoms of the universe. Therefore, hermeneutics is able to interpret and reveal the meaning of the text by considering the social, cultural, and historical context. And of course this is very useful in revealing divine messages through scriptural texts that still need explanation so that they do not make mistakes in practicing God's teachings.</p>2025-02-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ali Anhar Syi'bul Huda, Abid Nurhuda, Nur Aini Setyaningtyas, Muhammad Imam Syafi'i, Farhan Akmala Putra Rasm Terhadap Manuskrip Al-Qur’an Kuno Karya Syaikh Ibrahim Mufti di Surau Tuo Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota2024-12-19T04:13:05+00:00Nadia Sarinadiasari013@gmail.comJusnitanitaj9559@gmail.comBilfahmi<p>Details of writing the <em>mushaf</em>, such as the use of <em>rasm, qira'at, dhabit</em>, are important components in writing the Qur'an. However, discussions regarding the details of writing the Koran have not received much attention from researchers. One of them is research on <em>rasm</em>, some research that discusses <em>rasm</em> only reaches the analysis of specifications and what factors influence the analysis. If we enter the Indonesian archipelago, this can be related to the spread of the use of the Arabic-Pegon script. So the rasm study here will be very interesting because it relates to the ancient manuscript by Shaykh Ibrahim Mufti which is in Surau Tuo, Nagarai Taram. This research aims to analyze the characteristics of <em>rasm</em> used in manuscripts by Shaykh Ibrahim Mufti, as well as understand its significance in the style of writing the Koran in Indonesia. The method used is a qualitative type with a philological analysis approach that focuses on manuscript texts. As well as other supporting sources, such as books, journal articles and related research. The findings of the study show that, although most of the writing follows the rules of Ottoman <em>rasm</em>, there is an inconsistency with the use of <em>rasm</em> <em>imla'I</em> in some pronunciations. Further research can be carried out by continuing the study of the philological approach to all parts of the Qur'an manuscript by Shaykh Ibrahim Mufti, including the parts that have not been completed.</p>2025-02-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Nadia Sari, Jusnita, Bilfahmi Putra Peran Surah Al-Fatihah dalam Pelaksanaan Ibadah Sehari-hari Menurut Mufassir Klasik dan Kontemporer2025-02-12T15:45:39+00:00Azis Rustandiabdulazizrustandi01@gmail.comM.<p>This study aims to explore the role of Surah Al-Fatihah in the daily worship of Muslims, focusing on the interpretations of the classical scholar Ibn Katsir and the contemporary scholar Wahbah Zuhaili. As the first chapter of the Qur’an, Al-Fatihah is not only an integral part of prayer but also encompasses spiritual and social dimensions that enrich the quality of worship and strengthen harmony within society. This research integrates classical and contemporary perspectives to present a synthesis relevant to the challenges of the modern era. Using a library research method and a comparative thematic tafsir approach, it analyzes Ibn Katsir’s tafsir <em>bil-ma’tsur</em>, which emphasizes the blessings of Basmalah, Divine justice, and sincerity in supplication, alongside Wahbah Zuhaili’s combination of <em>bi al-ma’tsur </em>and<em> bi ar-ra’yi</em> methods, which focus on monotheism <em>(tauhid)</em>, reliance on Allah <em>(tawakkal)</em>, and prayer as a spiritual solution. The findings reveal that Surah Al-Fatihah serves as a guide that integrates ritual, spiritual, and social dimensions, fostering profound awareness of tawhid, encouraging individual moral transformation, and creating community harmony based on Qur’anic values. In conclusion, Surah Al-Fatihah is not only foundational for ritual worship but also serves as an ethical and practical guide to enhancing worship motivation, fostering moral development, and building a harmonious and civilized society amidst modern challenges.</p>2025-03-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Azis Rustandi, M. Aufa’āh Perempuan dalam Al-Qur’an dan Sirâh: Interpretasi Teks, Konteks, dan Relevansi Modern2025-02-19T14:28:07+00:00Qurroh A’yuniyahainunqolbiey@gmail.comUlifatur<p style="margin-bottom: 6.0pt; text-align: justify;">This study presents an in-depth analysis of the concept of women's <em>bay'ah</em> as articulated in QS. Al-Mumtahanah verse 12, emphasizing its rich normative values, historical significance, and relevance within contemporary discourses on gender equality. Employing thematic interpretation and hermeneutic approaches, the study comprehensively examines the Qur’anic text, the Prophetic biography, as well as both classical and modern exegeses to reveal the fundamental values inherent in the practice of bay'ah. The findings indicate that women's <em>bay'ah</em> not only reflects an acknowledgment of the significant contributions of women in the establishment of early Islamic society but also reaffirms essential principles such as monotheism, morality, and adherence to leadership grounded in justice and universal benevolence. Utilizing a qualitative methodology based on library research, this systematic analysis integrates historical data with modern perspectives to yield deep insights into the dynamic interplay between sacred texts and contemporary social contexts. The study is expected to enrich academic discourse, serve as a strategic reference for practitioners and policymakers in formulating inclusive societal development strategies, and foster a critical dialogue between tradition and innovation in Islamic studies. Moreover, the comparative analysis of various interpretative approaches in the history of Islamic thought successfully illustrates the evolution of gender understanding, contributing significantly to the development of a more progressive and contextually relevant Islamic paradigm.</p>2025-03-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Qurroh A’yuniyah, Ulifatur Rizqohمعنى الصيام من خلال سورة البقرة: دراسة تحليلية2024-06-18T14:47:54+00:00Mubarak Ibrahim<p>Acts of worship have specific times and seasons, some of which are more virtuous than others. A believer always seeks these blessed times in pursuit of increased rewards and elevated ranks. The holy month of Ramadan is one such virtuous period, honored by Allah with numerous merits. The researcher aimed to highlight these merits through an analytical study of the verses on fasting in Surah Al-Baqarah, with the objective of encouraging Muslims to make the most of this sacred time through acts of worship. The study yielded significant findings, including that fasting is a means to attain piety, clearly demonstrates Allah’s mercy and ease upon this Ummah, and serves as a lesson in patience. Additionally, it affirms that a person can change negative habits and corrupt behaviors. Fasting also brings a person closer to Allah, making their supplications more likely to be accepted. Moreover, it is a season for caring for the poor and needy, bringing them joy, and purifying the soul through fasting, prayer, and spiritual retreat. May Allah grant benefit through this effort and accept it sincerely for His sake.</p>2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Mubarak Ibrahim At-Tajany Health and Spirituality: Qur’anic Teaching and Approaches to Mental Health in the Modern Era2024-12-21T06:01:24+00:00Laila Mawaddah Rofiqohmawaddahrofiq@gmail.comIndana Zulfaindanaz249@gmail.comNahid<p>Mental health has become an increasingly critical issue in modern society, where stress, anxiety, and depression are prevalent concerns. In this context, exploring how Qur’anic teachings contribute to the understanding and treatment of mental health is essential. This study aims to examine the relationship between Qur’anic teachings and mental health approaches while identifying spiritual principles that support psychological well-being. The research employs a qualitative analysis of relevant Qur’anic verses alongside a literature review on the integration of spirituality into mental health practices. The findings indicate that Qur’anic principles, such as dzikr (remembrance of God), salat (prayer), and tawakkal (reliance on God), offer effective strategies for addressing mental health issues by fostering inner peace and enhancing psychological resilience. The study concludes that integrating spiritual values into mental health approaches not only provides emotional support but also helps individuals cultivate meaning and purpose in life. This knowledge has the potential to contribute to improved mental well-being and overall quality of life in today’s complex society.</p>2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Laila Mawaddah; Indana Zulfa, Nahid Ayad, Security, and Ethics in Technology: A Qur'anic Perspective Through Cybercrime2025-01-13T07:01:32+00:00Septi Farhan Bin Mat<p>The rapid advancement of technology has significantly facilitated human activities, particularly in communication. However, technology is often misused for unethical and criminal purposes, such as theft, spreading misinformation, hate speech, and various forms of fraud. This study employs a literature research method with a maudhui approach based on Al-Farmawi’s framework. The findings indicate that the Qur'an provides clear guidance on privacy, security, and ethical principles in the use of technology. These principles serve as a foundation for addressing contemporary issues, including cybercrime, from an Islamic perspective. The study underscores the relevance of Qur'anic values in mitigating the ethical dilemmas posed by technological advancements. For future research, it is recommended to explore the practical implementation of Qur'anic ethical principles in digital policies and cybersecurity frameworks. Additionally, empirical studies on the effectiveness of Islamic ethics in preventing cybercrimes, as well as comparative analyses between Qur’anic perspectives and modern cybersecurity regulations, could provide further insights into developing ethical and secure digital environments.</p>2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Septi Aisyah, Muhammad Farhan Bin Mat Noradin Qutb’s Interpretation of Jihad in Q.S An-Nisa Verse 94: A Study of the Tafsir Fi Zhilal Al-Qur’an2025-01-09T04:27:48+00:00Syitaul Fuadiahfuadiahsyita@gmail.comNovali Kholidnovalikhld24@gmail.comIzza Muhtafidzizha13zhaa@gmail.comAndi<p>This study analyzes Sayyid Qutb’s interpretation of Surah An-Nisa: 94 in <em>Fi Zhilal Al-Qur’an</em>, focusing on the concept of jihad he presents. Surah An-Nisa: 94 emphasizes the principle of caution in warfare and the importance of justice and morality in human relations. Sayyid Qutb interprets this verse by highlighting that jihad is not limited to physical warfare, but also a struggle to uphold justice and moral values in social life. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with textual and thematic analysis to explore the meaning of jihad in Qutb’s contextual perspective. The findings show that Qutb views jihad as an ethical struggle, not mere violence. Qutb’s thinking offers a new perspective on jihad that is more moderate and relevant to the current social-religious challenges, emphasizing the principles of justice, morality, and humanity in the struggle for Islam.</p>2025-03-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Syitaul Fuadiah, Novali Kholid, Izza Muhtafidz, Andi Rosa