Al-Fahmu: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Al-Fahmu: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat en-US Al-Fahmu: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir 2964-1659 Konsep Evaluasi Pembelajaran Menurut Surah Ali Imran Ayat 200 (Studi Pemikiran Al-Ghazali dalam Ihya Ulumuddin) <p>Verse 200 of Ali Imran's letter, although it does not explicitly mention assessment as Learning (AaL), is interpreted by Al-Ghazali in Ihya Ulumuddin (IU) as a murabathah system that includes six phases. This paper aims to confirm this interpretation with various general theories about the latest AaL challenges, and to build a construction of the interpretation of Al-Ghazali's AaL concept. The method used is library research with a content analysis approach, de-contextualization, and re-contextualization analysis techniques, as well as basic inductive techniques. Research findings state that Al-Ghazali's interpretation of AaL is in line with the latest AaL theory, such as AaL based on SRL (self-regulation of learning), especially based on co-regulation of learning with four main phases: forethought, planning and activation, monitoring, control, reaction, and reflection. Apart from that, it is also in line with formative and summative evaluation theories, as well as theories about feedback. In the area section, AaL Al-Ghazali's interpretation is in line with the areas of cognition, motivation/affect, behavior, and context. This research also succeeded in developing the construction of Al-Ghazali's AaL system which consists of: musyarathah, muraqabah, muhasabah, mu’aqabah, mujahadah and mu’atabah into concrete form.</p> Abdurrahman Copyright (c) 2024 Abdurrahman 2024-07-16 2024-07-16 3 2 125 137 10.58363/alfahmu.v3i2.196 How is the Concept of Mental Peace according to the Quran in Thematic Tafsir Studies? <p>This research aims to look more deeply at the concept of mental peace according to the Koran which is reviewed based on thematic interpretation studies. Mental restlessness can be caused by feelings of anxiety that accumulate it can cause serious illnesses. The method used is a qualitative method with data collection techniques carried out using observation and interviews. The data analysis techniques used include data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. It can be concluded that peace of mind can be seen from behavior, an unhurried attitude, full of calculations and mature considerations as well as being wise, correct, and appropriate in acting. This is also found in the Al-Quran, namely in Q.S Ar-ra'du verse 28, Q.S Thaha verse 124, Q.S al-Hadid verse 16, Q.S Al-Baqarah verses 152, 198, 200-202, and the Hadith of Rasulullah Saw which holistically explains about inner appreciation to gain mental peace through spiritual methods with <em>Dhikr</em> such as saying or reciting tasbih, tamed, takbir, or tahlil sentences. This is preferred solely to obtain peace and tranquility of the soul amid today's dominating flow of information. This is the concept of mental peace that can be obtained based on a thematic interpretation, essentially by remembering Allah Swt through <em>Dhikr</em>.</p> Siti Rahmawati Muh Ibnu Sholeh Ibnu Imam Al Ayyubi Shonia Kamaliya Nurlismaya Ai Faridatul Hayati Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Rahmawati, Muh Ibnu Sholeh, Ibnu Imam Al Ayyubi, Shonia Kamaliya Nurlismaya, Ai Faridatul Hayati 2024-07-16 2024-07-16 3 2 138 148 10.58363/alfahmu.v3i2.203 Nilai Lokalitas Penafsiran Kalimatun sawā` QS Ali Imran Ayat 64 Perspektif Nurcholish Madjid <p>This paper tries to present the other side of Nurcholish Madjid's interpretation of the term <em>kalimatun sawā`</em> in surah Ali Imran [3] ayah 64. The interpretation of the verse, which has tended to be interpreted uniformly in the tafsir tradition, is interpreted differently by Nurcholish Madjid. In addition, behind his interpretation he proposes an offer of locality orientation in a broader context. The aspect of locality that has been the dominant starting point of the interpretation of the Qur'an, for Nurcholish Madjid is used as a point of departure that is sought to strengthen his interpretation. This research belongs to the qualitative research model. By using a library research approach, the author will explore Nurcholish Madjid's argumentation in interpreting Surah Ali Imran verse 64, especially on the term <em>kalimatun sawā`</em>. As a result, the interpretation of the verse shows a legitimization of the view of locality which in this case is interpreted as Pancasila. The term<em> kalimatun sawā`</em> , which is the key word in this verse, leads to the confirmation of the argumentation built with the results of the interpretation carried out. This view is very reasonable because the spirit of the values and messages of the Qur'an that preach the unity of the people does not limit the partition in a broad social context. Although explicitly Nurcholish Madjid's study of the Qur'an does not produce unity in terms of methodology, the spirit that is built cannot be separated from the values of the Qur'an itself.</p> Abdul Azis Fatkhurrohman Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Azis Fatkhurrohman 2024-07-16 2024-07-16 3 2 149 162 10.58363/alfahmu.v3i2.192 Konsep Etika Komunikasi Bermedia Sosial Bagi Generasi Milenial Perspektif Al-Qur’an <p>This research aims to explain the analysis of the concept of social media communication ethics for the millennial generation from the perspective of the Qur'an. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method of literature analysis. This research applies primary sources and secondary sources. The results of the study show that there are 6 concepts of social media communication ethics from the perspective of the Qur'an, including <em>Qaulan ma'rufan, kariman, maysuran, balighan, layyinan, and sadidan</em>. <em>Qaulan maysuran </em>is one of the guidelines for communicating using language that is easy to understand and relieves feelings. The social media users who connect online vary, so it's important to consider the importance of communicative understanding. Communicators do not use language or write sentences that are difficult to understand. The goal is to unify perceptions between communicators and communicators, not just to improve communicative understanding. Therefore, it is very important to consider ethics when communicating, whether in person, in groups, with the masses, or through social media. However, before sharing an upload, social users should consider their role as communicators and communicators. The communicator must be responsible for all responses that may arise from the post and must be ready to receive criticism and feedback from the communicator.</p> Ulfi Amelia Nasrulloh Copyright (c) 2024 Ulfi Ulfi Amelia, Nasrulloh Nasrulloh 2024-07-16 2024-07-16 3 2 163 174 10.58363/alfahmu.v3i2.199 Konsep Wanita Karier Era 4.0 Persepktif Al-Qur’an <p>This research aims to analyze the concept of career women in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 from the perspective of the Koran. This research uses library research with a normative qualitative approach that focuses on analyzing available library data and articles. The results of the research show that the concept of career women from the Al-Qur’an perspective is that there is no prohibition for women from having a career in their lives, women have the right to work and have a career just like men, especially in the 4.0 era which is very sophisticated with today’s rapid technological advances. . In accordance with Q.S. An-Nisa’ verse 32 explains that men get a share of what they work for, as well as women get a share of what they work for, this is in accordance with how much effort and ability they have. So a career woman must comply with the requirements as a career woman in the world of work, including maintaining a balance between family and career and being able to maintain her honor as a Muslim woman. So they avoid slander and other negative impacts that will bring harm to themselves, their families and society.</p> Silvia Rahma Yanti Nasrulloh Copyright (c) 2024 Silvia Rahma Yanti, Nasrulloh 2024-07-16 2024-07-16 3 2 175 187 10.58363/alfahmu.v3i2.200 Berpikir Matematika dalam Al-Qur’an: Pemahaman tentang Penciptaan dan Ketertiban Alam <p>This research aims to analyze the verses of the Qur'an more deeply regarding the creation and order of the universe, linking them with mathematical concepts, and attempting to integrate them with modern physics findings. This study employs library research, which falls under qualitative descriptive research. The author collects literature data to record, read, and manage research materials consisting of articles on mathematics and physics from an Islamic perspective, the Qur'an, and interpretations. The results show that the Qur'an provides profound insights into the marvels of the universe's creation by Allah. Concepts such as the creation of the heavens and the earth aligning with the Big Bang theory, as well as the implications of Newton's gravitational principles in maintaining the stability of the universe, analogies about the earth as a place of rest or swing also reflect scientific discoveries about the rotation and revolution of the earth. Furthermore, the process of rainfall and the water cycle, as well as descriptions of two seas meeting but not mixing, indicate harmony in the universe. Finally, interpretations of scientific principles such as tidal phenomena as part of the signs of Allah's power in governing the universe are also found in the Qur'an.</p> Izzi Munaya Putri Ali Akbar Copyright (c) 2024 Izzi Munaya Putri, Ali Akbar 2024-07-16 2024-07-16 3 2 188 199 10.58363/alfahmu.v3i2.211 لفت الانتباه لمن فازوا في القرآن بمعية الله <p>الناس جميعاً فقراء إلى الله ومحتاجون لعونه ونصرته ومعيته، وهذا أمر عزيز يحتاج إلى الاجتهاد، والتحقق بالصفات التي بينها الله في كتابه والتي استحق أهلها معيته تعالى، ولبيان تلك الصفات أهميته كبرى لكل مسلم ينشد رضا الله ويطمع في عونه، والتكاسل وعدم الجد في تحقيق تلك الصفات ثم طلب معيته الله هو فعل العاجزين، لذا كان مهماً أن اختار الكتابة في هذا الموضوع هادفاً لبيان معنى معية الله وأنواعها والصفات التي تنال بها، سالكاً المنهج الاستقرائي والاستنباطي ثم الوصفي في نقل أقوال المفسرين من سلفنا الصالح، وكذلك من بعض المعاصرين، وأهم نتائج هذا البحث أن معية الله تعالى ثابتة لأهل الإيمان الذين حققوا .الصفات التي ذكرها الله في كتابه العزيز، فعلى كل من يرغب في معية الله أن يسعى في تحقيق الشروط التي تنال بها. وهي الإيمان والصبر والتقوى والإحسان</p> Bakri Mohammad Bkheet Copyright (c) 2024 Bakri Mohammad Bkheet 2024-07-16 2024-07-16 3 2 200 220 10.58363/alfahmu.v3i2.198 The Concept of Tazkiyah an-Nafs Bediuzzaman Said Nursi In Risale-i Nur <p>This research stems from bad phenomena in the modern era, namely despicable human behaviour, which results in division and hostility caused by undirected lust. This article aims to examine a discussion to treat this despicable behaviour by doing <em>tazkiyah an-nafs</em>. Because the discussion contains elements of Sufism, the author will analyze the interpretation of <em>tazkiyah an-nafs </em>from Bediuzzaman Said Nursi’s commentary entitled Risale-i Nur. This study uses the library research method, collects library data with the theme “the concept of <em>tazkiyah an-nafs</em> Bediuzzaman said Nursi in Risale-i Nur” and analyzes the verses related to the theme of the commentator. The results of this study illustrate that <em>tazkiyah an-nafs, </em>according to Said, is purifying the soul by protecting the heart and soul from contracting harmful diseases. They are implementing various steps, including increasing faith, worshipping, taking parable from the story of the Prophet, leaving despicable deeds, and doing meritorious deeds.</p> Yusrina Dyah Wulandari Romlah Widyawati Rochmad Niken Sylvia Puspitasari Copyright (c) 2024 Yusrina Dyah Wulandari, Romlah Widyawati, Rochmad, Niken Sylvia Puspitasari 2024-07-16 2024-07-16 3 2 221 233 10.58363/alfahmu.v3i2.90 The Study of Amtsal Al-Qur’an: Explanation of Hypocritical Verses in QS. Surah Al-Baqarah 17-18 <p><em>Amtsal Al-Qur’an is a branch of Ulumul Qur’an that is important to know. With Qur’anic Proverbs, knowledge of things that are vague will be clearly known. Therefore, this research aims to explain the concept of Qur’anic Proverbs with the study of Surah Al-Baqarah verses 17-18. The approach and method used in this research is descriptive-qualitative with literature study. Various data were collected from various relevant sources such as the Qur’an, books, and scientific articles. The validation process was carried out by discussing with lecturers. This research produces a concept of Qur’anic Proverbs which consists of the message contained in the Qur’an can be understood through the science of Qur’anic Proverbs, the existence of proverbs in the Qur’an can make a message can be conveyed well because of the parable that is easy to understand. The study of QS. Al-Baqarah verses 17-18 can be understood that the analogies in it function as a warning not to become hypocrites. The findings of this study explain that the concept of Amtsal Al-Qur’an in QS. Al-Baqarah verses 17-18 are indeed relevant to the concept of Qur’anic Proverbs that should be. So that indeed in understanding the message in the content of the Qur’an cannot be separated from the Qur’anic Proverbs as part of Ulumul Qur’an to reveal the real message so that it can enter the human heart to obey what is commanded and stay away from its prohibitions. The salvation of the world and the hereafter can be achieved. Further research can be done by examining the verses of Amtsal Al-Qur’an based on regional interpretations in order to enrich the treasures of science.</em></p> Raihani Salma Amatullah Mowafg Masuwd Nabila Aulia Nursalma Ela Sartika Wahyudi Copyright (c) 2024 Raihani Salma Amatullah, Mowafg Masuwd, Nabila Aulia Nursalma, Ela Sartika, Wahyudi 2024-07-16 2024-07-16 3 2 234 242 10.58363/alfahmu.v3i2.221 لفظ "مبين" في سورة يس: دلالات ومعان <p>يهدف هذا البحث إلى بيان الدلالات والمعاني المتعلقة بلفظ “مبين” في سورة يس والسياقات المختلفة التي ارتبطت بموصوفات اللفظ من خلال التعرض لأقوال المفسرين وعلماء العربية. واستخدم الباحث المنهج الاستقرائي لجمع المادة العلمية، والمنهج الوصفي التحليلي لبيان المعاني والدلالات المستنبطة من الآيات القرآنية. وقد خرج البحث بنتائج أهمها: إنه لم يثبت حديث صحيح مخصوص عن فضل سورة يس، والأحاديث التي جاءت في فضلها ضعيفة الأسانيد وبعضها موضوعة، ولابأس بقراءتها كسائر سور القرآن دون تخصيصها بمزيد فضل. تكرر ذكر لفظ مبين في سبع مواضع من السورة ودلالاته اللغوية تعني الوضوح والظهور وكشف الخفاء، أما دلالته السياقية فقد ارتبطت بالألفاظ التي سيق وصفاً لها.</p> Faisal Mahmoud Adam Copyright (c) 2024 Faisal Mahmoud Adam 2024-07-16 2024-07-16 3 2 243 261 10.58363/alfahmu.v3i2.197