Al-Fahmu: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Al-Fahmu: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat en-US Al-Fahmu: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir 2964-1659 Pendidikan Qur’ani: Kajian Tafsir QS. Al-Qashash Ayat 77 terhadap Nilai dan Prinsip <p>Education in Islam holds a central role in shaping the lives of individuals and society. However, challenges in Indonesia's education system, such as violations of ethical codes, school violence, and insufficient support for students with disabilities, highlight the need for a more holistic approach grounded in Qur’anic values. This study aims to examine the educational values and principles in Q.S. Al-Qashash: 77 and develop practical applications for contemporary education. Utilizing library research and a descriptive-analytical approach, the study identifies four key principles: Prioritization, which emphasizes the hereafter as the ultimate goal while utilizing the world as a means; Balance, maintaining harmony between worldly and spiritual matters; Excellence (Ihsan), encouraging goodness in all aspects of life; and Anti-Injustice, avoiding harm to the environment and society. These principles provide a foundation for integrating academic achievement with noble character development. The study recommends a Qur’anic-based educational approach that harmonizes spiritual and academic values to nurture a generation that excels intellectually, embodies virtuous character, and aims for both worldly success and eternal happiness.</p> Muhammad Hulaimi Hatami Copyright (c) 2025 Muhammad Hulaimi Hatami 2025-02-01 2025-02-01 4 1 1 13 10.58363/alfahmu.v4i1.260 Hermeneutika dalam Ilmu-Ilmu Humaniora dan Agama: Model, Pengembangan dan Metode Penelitian <p>This study aims to describe the description of hermeneutics as a model of scientific research, the development of humanities sciences and as a research method in religious sciences The method used is a literature study with a qualitative approach. Then analyzed descriptively. The results showed that hermeneutics emerged a long time ago during the ancient Greek civilization and was more dominant in activities in understanding the scriptures but in its development it could reach the humanities and religious sciences. In addition, it also acts as a bridge to bring together hermeneutical theory with qualitative empirical research and symbols that are difficult for humans to understand in the symptoms of the universe. Therefore, hermeneutics is able to interpret and reveal the meaning of the text by considering the social, cultural, and historical context. And of course this is very useful in revealing divine messages through scriptural texts that still need explanation so that they do not make mistakes in practicing God's teachings.</p> Ali Anhar Syi'bul Huda Abid Nurhuda Nur Aini Setyaningtyas Muhammad Imam Syafi'i Farhan Akmala Putra Copyright (c) 2025 Ali Anhar Syi'bul Huda, Abid Nurhuda, Nur Aini Setyaningtyas, Muhammad Imam Syafi'i, Farhan Akmala Putra 2025-02-01 2025-02-01 4 1 14 26 10.58363/alfahmu.v4i1.239 Analisis Rasm Terhadap Manuskrip Al-Qur’an Kuno Karya Syaikh Ibrahim Mufti di Surau Tuo Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota <p>Details of writing the <em>mushaf</em>, such as the use of <em>rasm, qira'at, dhabit</em>, are important components in writing the Qur'an. However, discussions regarding the details of writing the Koran have not received much attention from researchers. One of them is research on <em>rasm</em>, some research that discusses <em>rasm</em> only reaches the analysis of specifications and what factors influence the analysis. If we enter the Indonesian archipelago, this can be related to the spread of the use of the Arabic-Pegon script. So the rasm study here will be very interesting because it relates to the ancient manuscript by Shaykh Ibrahim Mufti which is in Surau Tuo, Nagarai Taram. This research aims to analyze the characteristics of <em>rasm</em> used in manuscripts by Shaykh Ibrahim Mufti, as well as understand its significance in the style of writing the Koran in Indonesia. The method used is a qualitative type with a philological analysis approach that focuses on manuscript texts. As well as other supporting sources, such as books, journal articles and related research. The findings of the study show that, although most of the writing follows the rules of Ottoman <em>rasm</em>, there is an inconsistency with the use of <em>rasm</em> <em>imla'I</em> in some pronunciations. Further research can be carried out by continuing the study of the philological approach to all parts of the Qur'an manuscript by Shaykh Ibrahim Mufti, including the parts that have not been completed.</p> Nadia Sari Jusnita Bilfahmi Putra Copyright (c) 2025 Nadia Sari, Jusnita, Bilfahmi Putra 2025-02-05 2025-02-05 4 1 27 40 10.58363/alfahmu.v4i1.249